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This year, the Fourth Sunday of Advent presents to us the gospel of the Visitation. Mary, having conceived Jesus at the moment of the Annunciation, went in haste to the home of her cousin Elizabeth. She went there to help Elizabeth, since the angel Gabriel had told her that Elizabeth was also expecting a child. The baby (John the Baptist) in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy at the sound of Mary’s voice, and Mary proclaimed her Magnificat, a joyful song of praise to the Lord.

That is how Mary’s Advent was: a time of serving others, bringing joy (and bringing Christ himself) to others, and prayerfully singing the praise of God. What a beautiful example for us! During this final week before Christmas we also can serve and help those who need our help; we can joyfully bring Christ to others; and we can prayerfully sing the praise of God. In all these ways, we prepare ourselves for a more complete coming of Jesus’ grace to our hearts and souls at Christmas time.

If your Advent practices are going well, that is great. If they have fallen by the wayside, it’s not too late to take them up again so that the last week before Christmas may truly be a holy time. The more we prepare for Christ during Advent, the more completely we will have Christ in Christmas; and the more we put Christ in Christmas, the more authentic and lasting joy we will experience during this season and beyond.

Gratefully Yours,

I learned this expression at the weekly construction meetings I take part in. The builders talk about the construction that has to go on underground and with the foundation and slab for the building; and then, as they say, we “go vertical.” As you have seen, our Pastoral Center has gone vertical in a big way. The framing of the building gives all of us a clear vision of how large the new center will be. It's exciting!

This ties in well with the theme of the Third Sunday of Advent. Its nickname is “Gaudete Sunday.” Gaudete is the first word of the Entrance Antiphon for this day in Latin, and it means “Rejoice!” The full text of the antiphon is “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near.” (Phil. 4:4-5) Joy is a special theme for this day.

This is where it’s good to think of “going vertical” with our joy. Yes, we rejoice in the things around us; but let’s never forget what, and Who, is above us. By “going vertical” with our joy, we remember the meaning of this Advent and Christmas season. The Lord is near! May his joy live in us and pass through us to a world that longs for it.

How is your Advent season going so far? The liturgy of this season is a rich source of inspiration: themes include watchfulness, conversion, and joyful hope. Entering into the spirit of this season is the best way to have a good Christmas. If you have not been doing anything special for Advent, it’s not too late to start. If you have begun some Advent observance, now is a good time to take stock of how things are going.

This year I am especially focused on Advent as a season of joyful hope. We know how the story ends: Christ will come to us because he already came to earth over 2000 years ago. Our Advent wreath in the church (and perhaps in your homes) gives us a visible sign of the approaching light of Christ’s presence. Our upcoming Noel Night will be yet another occasion for joyful hope, as the true meaning of this season bursts into song. Another source of joy for me is the recollection of the Advent seasons of my youth, which were filled with special traditions and practices.

I maintain my Advent joy these days by doing special spiritual reading each day, including Bishop Baron’s daily Advent gospel reflections, which we gave to all our parishioners this year. Also, I bring a different Christmas album to the office each day to listen to as I work. Finally, I’ve gone for at least a short walk every day. It’s good exercise, and it gives my mind a chance to clear itself and focus on what is most important at this time of the year. As I continue to bring joy into my life at this time, I wish you a blessed and happy Advent as well.

Gratefully Yours,

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

33926 Calle La Primavera

Dana Point, CA 92629

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm

Saturday-Sunday 8am - 2pm

San Felipe De Jesus Chapel

26010 Domingo Ave

Dana Point, CA 92624

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