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“Master, I want to see.” 


In last week’s Gospel, James and John ask Jesus, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you” to which Jesus replies, “What do you wish [me] to do for you?”  They said that they wanted to sit at His right and left when he came into His glory.  Jesus reminds them that the kingdom of God is not about them and their desire for glory.  They should desire to serve, not to be served.


Today, Bartimaeus calls out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.”  He recognizes that people regard him and his family as horrible sinners because he was born blind and that he is destined for a life of begging and isolation.  Unlike James and John, Bartimaeus is not making demands of Jesus, but is simply seeking his mercy.  His request for pity is more like a prayer than a request.  Jesus asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?”  Bartimaeus answers, “Master, I want to see.”  He is not seeking personal glory, but only the same basic ability to see that almost everyone else has. 


Despite their physical sight, James and John were blind to Christ’s mission and their role in that mission.  On the other hand, although Bartimaeus was physically blind, his sharp spiritual vision enabled him to understand and appreciate Jesus far better than James and John.  His deep faith caused him to approach Jesus with heartfelt humility, to be persistent even when he was told to be quiet, and to ask for something that would transform his life.  He does not want a place of honor, he simply wants to see.

In the second reading this weekend, Paul explains that we have a “high priest” in Jesus Christ who is able to “sympathize with our weaknesses…” and “who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin.” In other words, because our God became man, He understands how difficult it is for us to have faith, to follow the commandments, and to avoid whatever leads us to sin. There is no limit to His compassion.

The word “compassion” is the combination of two Latin words “com” which means together or with and “passio” which means to suffer. After my wife recovered from cancer, she made it her personal mission to speak with anyone who was diagnosed with cancer, who was undergoing treatment for cancer, or who had someone in their family who was battling cancer. She believed that her own battle with cancer gave her a unique perspective on what other cancer patients were facing or feeling. All with whom she spoke appreciated the sincerity and depth of her compassion. Her own battle with cancer gave her the ability to “suffer with” those whom she was trying to support.

Jesus understands us and our human struggles, weaknesses, and failings because He walked among us. Throughout the Gospels we see the depth of His compassion each time he encounters someone in need. Whether he is forgiving sinners, speaking with taxpayers, Gentiles, or Roman soldiers, exorcising demons, or healing those suffering from physical disabilities like leprosy, blindness, deafness, or lameness, He gives His complete attention to each afflicted person whom He encounters. In His compassion, He turns no one away.

Jesus carried a heavy burden of knowing that He would face a cruel death. Some of us carry that same burden when we receive a diagnosis of a terminal illness. But even those of us who are healthy are burdened by concerns that our beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions may be leading us further away from God rather than closer to Him. We forget that Jesus, who is both our high priest and a human being, understands our struggles and extends to us His infinite love, mercy and forgiveness. If we turn to Him in our struggles, He is there for us. If we seek His help, He helps us. If we suffer, He suffers with us.

Our psalm response this week is, “Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!” It perfectly describes the amazing StEdFest event that we had this past Saturday. The love of our parish filled our celebration and I am so pleased to joyfully thank God that our event was a tremendous success!

Planning for StEdFest began long before I arrived here. Our dedicated planning team worked diligently to ensure that every detail was considered, every potential problem was anticipated, and every opportunity to bring joy to our parish was seized. Upon my arrival, as I pelted them with questions and ideas, they did an outstanding job fending off my barrage and staying on track! I sincerely thank them for their hard work.

The event would not have been nearly as successful without our very generous sponsors who donated about $50,000 to support the event. Those funds enabled us to reduce food prices, have great musical entertainment, and give the children many game tickets. Our sponsors helped us to afford such a large event while also keeping ticket prices very low.

It is impossible to host such a large event without a huge number of volunteers. From folks at the welcome tables, to those cooking and serving food, to those managing the game booths, to the clean-up crew, our team was absolutely devoted to ensuring that folks were having a great time. I especially want to thank numerous employees from both the church and the school who helped our guests to have the best possible experience.

Finally, THANK YOU to all chose to spend your Saturday at StEdFest! The atmosphere was especially joy-filled thanks to the large number of small children in attendance trying their skills at the games, eating pizza and hot dogs, and just having fun spending time with each other. I even got dragged out onto the dance floor for a brief and humiliating attempt at dancing.

A parish is only as strong as the relationships that exist within it. First among these is our relationship with God, followed by our relationships within our own families. Finally, our parish is driven by our relationships with one another. We saw those beautiful relationships fully on display at StEdFest. It truly made me want to “sing for joy.” God bless you!

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

33926 Calle La Primavera

Dana Point, CA 92629

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm

Saturday-Sunday 8am - 2pm

San Felipe De Jesus Chapel

26010 Domingo Ave

Dana Point, CA 92624

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