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Evangelization for Children

For Children

Thank you for considering St. Edward the Confessor on your family’s journey of faith. Our goal for the Children in Faith Formation is to guide them to know God to love Him and to serve Him.

Through participating in prayer, Scripture reading, creative activities and discussion, children will engage in practicing and performing what they learn.


Faith formation isn’t just for children! We strive to engage parents with their children in practicing and worshiping together. Most important is weekly attendance at Sunday Liturgy. Children learn the importance of faith and worship by watching their parents. Seeing their parents pray and participate in the Mass, from a young age, is a wonderful model of faith in practice. 


Part of the program will have parents attend faith enrichment sessions while their children are in their catechetical session. Parents may be called to participate in a session with their child and families will experience various retreats together throughout the year.

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Kinder Formation

The Kinder Formation program strives to prepare your child with the understanding of our faith, symbols, and rituals of the liturgical season, such as Advent and Lent, and supports active participation of children and their families in the liturgical life of the church. Open to all Kindergarten age children.



This is the process for Unbaptized Children: Ages 7+ to enter the church as fully initiated Catholics (baptism, confirmation and Eucharist).  

The process for children typically takes two years. The OCIA classes are held on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month following the 9am Mass from 10:15 to 11:30am. Through lectionary based instruction and facilitated discussions, the children are introduced to the concepts of Catholic liturgy, traditions and beliefs, to prepare to receive the sacraments of initiation- Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.


If you have further questions please contact:

Lupe Ojeda, Director of Faith Formation (949) 542-4313


First Communion Preparation

Image by Jeswin Thomas

Year 1 

Year 1 of the two year Sacramental Preparation program includes participating in activities for families at home, in Family Faith Sundays, and in Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 9 am Mass. Year one is open to baptized children who have not yet received their First Communion grades 1-5.

Year 2 

Year 2 is open to children who have completed the first-year Sacramental Preparation, attend a Catholic school, or if they have completed year 1 sacramental preparation in another parish. This program is for to children grades 2-5. The children will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion during this year. 

Continuing Formation

Faith Formation for grades 3 to 5 are meant to continue after First Communion to help build a better foundation as they journey on the road to the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Sacraments are an important facet of our faith, but they are not an end to our journey.  Parents are encouraged to enroll children of third through fifth grade in our Continuing Faith Formation program. Children learn about God and the Church with an emphasis on the message of Jesus Christ in the Sacred Scriptures as well as the teaching tradition of the Catholic Church. 

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Parent Faith Enrichment

The Parent Enrichment program of Saint Edward the Confessor strives to assist parents in becoming intentional disciples of Jesus Christ guiding their children to a reach life of faith.

Our goal is to facilitate a path for our children and their families towards knowing, loving and serving Our Lord Jesus Christ —to a relationship that is alive, intentional and active.

Parents are the first teachers of the faith. These enrichment programs, grounded in Catholic teaching and Gospel values, provide parents with insight in ways to play a supportive role in their child’s spiritual growth.

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

33926 Calle La Primavera

Dana Point, CA 92629

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm

Saturday-Sunday 8am - 2pm

San Felipe De Jesus Chapel

26010 Domingo Ave

Dana Point, CA 92624

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