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Liturgical Service

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a liturgical ministry whose volunteer members perform “light housekeeping” duties for the Church.


Once a month, usually on a Monday or Friday, members work in teams of two or four people to  wash the holy vessels used at Mass, tidy up the pews, crying room, Marian Chapel and balcony, and take inventory of the church candle and wine supplies. Other members carry out their work at home by washing and ironing the small linens used at Mass and the altar servers’ robes. 


Ministry Contact: Karran Toffelmier


Ministry Contact: Mallari Flores

Altar Servers

Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. They should have already received holy communion for the first time and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy.


With the start of a new school year, we are taking applications for new Altar Servers.  If you are interested in serving, please fill out an application here. Training dates are scheduled when needed.  Training is mandatory for all new servers and optional for returning servers.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM) exercise the roles of host and servant at the Eucharistic banquet. They distribute communion under both species (the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) at Mass. Training is provided to fulfill their obligation with dignity and reverence. EMs usually serve on teams every other week with the schedules prepared quarterly. Some Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion deliver the Bread of Life to the sick and homebound (see Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to Sick and Homebound Ministry).

Image by Thays Orrico

Ministry Contact: Rocco Falabella 

Image by Tatiana Zanon

Ministry Contact: Elizabeth Meehan

Communion to the Sick and Homebound

Some members of our community are unable to attend holy mass. Often times these people have worshiped within our community and are now unable to physically attend mass due to age or illness. These members of our community are in assisted living facilities or live at home and are grateful to receive communion from our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound.The time commitment is approximately 1-2 hours per week. 


Lectors bring the Scriptures to life during the Liturgy of the Word at mass. Involvement in this ministry helps members of our community grow in their own appreciation for and understanding of Scripture. By proclaiming God’s word, ministers help the Holy Spirit speak to the hearts of those at mass.

Image by Rod Long

Ministry Contact: Maureen Walker



The Music Ministry’s primary functions are to lead the people of God in sung prayer and thanksgiving and to embellish the sacred liturgy with music from the Church’s tradition as well as music of recent composition.

Ministry Contact: Rick Dellefield


Ushers provide hospitality, comfort, and safety at Sunday masses and other special liturgies. Before mass, ushers foster a sense of community by welcoming members of our parish and visitors. Following all weekend masses, ushers distribute the weekly bulletin and then assure that the church is ready for the next liturgy. Generally, the time commitment for an usher is 1-1.5 hours each week. Come celebrate Mass with your family, serve our community and be an example of Christ’s love and witness to our community.

Image by Kristina Paparo

Ministry Contact: Maria Whelan

Image by Denisse Leon


The Media Ministry assists at Mass through the projection of song lyrics and mass parts and announcements onto screens, allowing for higher participation in the Liturgy. The Media Ministry also manages our weekly livestream which provided each Sunday for those who cannot physically attend. Please contact Bill McAndrew if you feel called to assist this vital ministry.

Ministry Contact: Bill McAndrew

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St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

33926 Calle La Primavera

Dana Point, CA 92629

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm

Saturday-Sunday 8am - 2pm

San Felipe De Jesus Chapel

26010 Domingo Ave

Dana Point, CA 92624

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