When I was young, my mom taught me that once you accepted an invitation to someone’s house or some event, you were bound to follow through on your word. This was true even if you “got a better offer” for that same day and time. Jesus is telling the apostles the same thing as He sends them on their first evangelization mission: “Wherever you enter into a house, stay there until you depart from there.” In other words, don’t keep looking for a better offer. This instruction is not only good manners and social etiquette, but it also allows the apostles to focus on what is most important during their mission. In fact, all of the requirements that Jesus imposes on the apostles are intended to sharpen their focus.
The word “apostle” means “one who is sent.” Until now, the disciples were merely followers. In this passage, Jesus calls them to their true vocation as apostles who are being sent to share the Good News. Their focus on this first journey is on preaching, casting out demons, and healing the sick. He sends them two by two so that they are accountable to each other and, in turn, can support each other. He tells them to give up any “creature comforts” and take only the bare minimum to survive. In fact, Jesus prohibits not only frivolous items, but essential ones as well. His requirements go beyond simplicity to a profound act of faith. He expects them to trust in God and in the good will of those to whom they are being sent.
The apostles go where Christ sends them and do what Christ tells them to do. They are not great men, but Jesus called them to a great purpose. They could accomplish great things in Christ’s name because they were not distracted by trivia. We are all “sent” in one way or another. Jesus sends some of us as priests, religious, missionaries, lay evangelists, etc. But He sends most of us to simply be the best examples of Catholic Christians that we are capable of being. He calls us to model the behaviors that He teaches in the Gospels. He instructs us to live ordered lives so that our Catholic mission is never compromised by our secular priorities. God Bless!