This time of the year is busy in our parish in a very wonderful way: the sacramental life of our parishioners is growing by leaps and bounds. Over 25 persons have received (or are receiving) the three Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion. A great number of young people are getting ready for their First Communion, which will take place soon. Over 120 teenagers have received the sacrament of Confirmation. A good number of adults are preparing for their Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday (May 28th). Meanwhile, daily Masses, regular Confessions, Marriages, and Anointings of the Sick are taking place as always.
All of this reminds us that the sacramental life is the very heart of the Church. It is through the sacraments that the grace of God (a share in his own life) and the powerful, loving touch of Christ come to us. If your own reception of the sacraments has in any way been hindered, this is a good time to bring it back. If your reception of the sacraments, especially Reconciliation and Eucharist, is already a regular occurrence in your life, this is a good time to renew your thanks for these sacred opportunities to grow closer to the Lord.
As we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we rejoice that he is alive and among us, and that he touches us in every sacrament we receive.
Gratefully Yours,