Have you seen the virtual tour I recently recorded of our new Pastoral Center and Knight Hall? I hope you have—not because I’m in it, but because it is really great to see what’s going on inside that construction site we drive by so often. The project is moving along nicely!
Of course, we have a lot of preparation to do before the building opens; and once it opens, access to the building and promotion of the building will need to be managed. For these tasks (as well as many others), I have brought Rosy Stock on staff to be our Parish Services Manager. She will help with scheduling as well as adherence to the policies and procedures and the philosophy of use that will govern access to the building.
You will be hearing more from Rosy as she gathers information from you (especially the ministry leaders) and keeps you informed on what you will need to know as we move into the new building. We are working as fast and as hard as we can to develop policies and procedures that are equitable and that will hold us all to the highest level of stewardship over this great blessing God has given us. Please join me in welcoming Rosy to her new role. You may contact her at 949-429-2888 or rstock@stedward.com.
Gratefully yours,
